Residency for retirees

On July 31, the National Assembly of Nicaragua repealed Law 694, which was in effect since 2009 and provided several benefits to retirees and rentiers.
One of the key benefits of this law was the granting of a five-year residency to retirees with a pension or rentiers with a private income from abroad, such as an annuity. The application process began at the Tourist Board of Nicaragua, INTUR, and with Immigration approved the applications.
The law also gave benefits as taxes exonerations to those approved as retirees or rentiers; another benefit was that applicants do not pay the one-way ticket at immigration at the moment that the residency was approved.
With the repeal, Law 761 Immigration Law, now encompasses these categories.
This change means that the process for obtaining residency will now start directly with Immigration and no there are tax exonerations anymore.
1. Birth Certificate.
2. Health Certificate.
3. Police Record Certificate (from local police).
4. Pension letter.
5. Marriage License.
Immigration accepts a Nicaraguan health certificate which has to be obtain in a public health center, called “Centro de Salud” and Interpol certificate which you can obtain in Managua.
It is mandatory to know that every single document has to be legalized (Apostille) and translated it into Spanish to be valid in Nicaragua.
As a result, it is essential for retirees to engage directly with Immigration to apply for their residency moving forward.
Local Police? in Nica or the country you are from? Interpol? Health certificate from the country you are from? Thanks Tom Canada